Practically Speaking Mom: Intentional Mom, Strong Family

163. Differences are Opportunities: Fast-paced and Slow-paced Family Members, Uniquely United Series

Val Harrison, The Practically Speaking MOM Season 3 Episode 163

CHALLENGES in a family unit are actually OPPORTUNITIES in a family unit, opportunities for self-evaluation, opportunities for identifying ways that we need to grow, opportunities for getting a gameplan for that growth. And family challenges are opportunities for family bonding.

Well, friends, let's take today in the next 30 min to learn how to better enjoy the gift of the family God has given you as we take a look at Slow-paced and Fast-Paced Family Members in the ongoing occasional series Uniquely United.

Val Harrison, The Practically Speaking MOM Is the main host of the podcast. In this episode she is joined by her husband, Rich, the producer and occasional co-host of the show. 

NEXT WEEK: Rich joins Val again as they discuss Task-focused vs. People-Focused family members.

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"May the Words of my mouth and the medit...